
SPG Blog About Software Development

The Benefits of Microservices and Are They Needed
May 22, 2017

The Benefits of Microservices and Are They Needed?

We often encounter customers who believe their problems are entirely unique to their organisations, but this is actually rarely the case. In reality, Software Planet Group are continuously tackling recurring problems in development. This is…

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May 17, 2017

So What’s Big Data Really Worth?

Over the years, the world has generated extraordinary amounts of information that can boggle even the most collected of minds. Twitter alone registered a record 500 million tweets per day in 2015, and now Amazon,…

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The Blockchain How Decentralised Software Changes Everything
May 8, 2017

The Blockchain: How Decentralised Software Changes Everything

Until very recently, all internet data was stored on web servers. There were many reasons for this, but one in particular was hugely important: by keeping information in scattered points across the globe, servers prevented…

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April 19, 2017

What Enterprise Search Can Do for Your Company

As a company grows, it becomes nearly impossible to avoid the problems caused by accumulating vast amounts of data. Through the years, these are often filed away in independent, incompatible software systems that are never…

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