
SPG Blog About Software Development

Four Inconvenient Truths About Product Development
May 13, 2024

Four Inconvenient Truths About Product Development

According to a study by the McKinsey Global Institute, the failure rate for new product launches ranges from 25% to 45%, with the consumer goods industry experiencing the highest failure rate of around 45% (‘Reviving…

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How to choose Dedicated Software Team
February 22, 2024

Decoding Success: A Strategic Guide to Choosing Your Dedicated Software Team

What is a Dedicated Software Development Team?Dedication is about attitude and commitment. While working with an external service provider on software development, customers may face several models of cooperation and interaction. Teams may also work…

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SPG Slava Ukraini cover image
August 24, 2022

Happy Ukrainian Independence Day!

Our thoughts and hearts are with our partners and teams in Ukraine. Today, the country marks the 31st anniversary of its independence. This year's celebration is darkened by the full-scale invasion by Russia. And yet…

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March 17, 2020

How to Get Your Business Through the Coronavirus Crisis

With the World Health Organisation officially declaring the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, US President Donald Trump suspending travel from 26 European countries and a total of 2,626 (and rising) cases of Covid-19 in the UK…

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What is Wrong with the Waterfall Model
July 12, 2019

What is Wrong with the Waterfall Model?

Despite the fact that for a very long time, it completely dominated the world of software development, today, it is difficult to find anyone who would rise in stalwart defence of the rusting Waterfall model.…

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March 11, 2019

POC vs Prototype vs MVP — Steps to Market Readiness

According to a recent study by CB Insights, the #1 reason why startups fail is a lack of market need. This was shown to be the case in approximately 42 percent of all surveyed businesses.…

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Legacy Code Rebuilding Working Software Img
February 1, 2019

Legacy Code: Rebuilding Working Software

Do you find that in recent times, it’s become increasingly more difficult to support your company’s system? Are you struggling to find developers who can get the job done? Have development rates over the years…

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UI design cover
August 21, 2018

The Importance of Animation in UI Design

While the launch of the iPhone just over a decade ago is rightly hailed as a revolution in mobile technology, it also heralds the beginning of a much quieter — yet comparably significant — transformation.…

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Who Should Pay for Bug Fixes in Software Development?
March 20, 2018

Who Should Pay for Bug Fixes?

In a perfect world, every application would sit comfortably atop wholly stable, never-changing systems.Unfortunately for utopians everywhere, however, the foundation upon which modern software is built is much more akin to a ticking time bomb.While…

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What Great Tech Leads Are Made Of?
February 16, 2018

What Great Tech Leads Are Made Of

For developers interested in moving up the ranks, the idea of becoming a tech lead may be as appealing as it is intimidating.After all, when leading development teams, only a small proportion of the skills…

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