
SPG Blog About Software Development

Demo Meeting
June 21, 2024

Demo Meetings: The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread

According to the seventh principle of Agile development, “working software is the primary measure of progress.”Before this revolutionary ideal, however, although customers could still in theory be kept informed on the status of their projects,…

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How to choose Dedicated Software Team
February 22, 2024

Decoding Success: A Strategic Guide to Choosing Your Dedicated Software Team

What is a Dedicated Software Development Team?Dedication is about attitude and commitment. While working with an external service provider on software development, customers may face several models of cooperation and interaction. Teams may also work…

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UX Writing
June 20, 2023

Are Copywriters and UX Writers One and the Same?

Though explaining what copywriting is may at times prove challenging in itself — you’d be surprised by how often writers are asked if it has anything to do with an ad about stealing cars —…

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What is P3 Express Framework?
May 8, 2023

P3 Express: A Minimalist and Practical Framework

Effectively managing software projects is no easy feat. It requires discipline, coordination, and bucketloads of determination. Yet this is only made more difficult when paired with an inadequate project management framework. To complicate matters even…

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A man starts a bespoke dev project on his laptop, sending out a wave of graphs
August 5, 2022

How to Start a Bespoke Dev Project – a Step by Step Guide for SMEs

Unlike startups – which are partial to simpler processes – and larger corporations, where processes are both well established and clearly defined, when it comes to software development, small and medium enterprises, or SMEs, do…

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March 16, 2022

Technical Debt and Its Not-So-Surprising Cost

We live in an increasingly debt-driven society. Think about it. Without a credit history, you are likely to struggle to be accepted for a mortgage or a tenancy agreement, your chances of landing that job…

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Ilustration for 15 Tips for Working with Remote Developers
February 23, 2022

15 Tips for Working with Remote Developers

15 Tips for Working with Remote DevelopersIn general, when working with remote developers, companies should strive to:Establish Communication With the TeamStay In Constant ContactMake Schedules Convenient for EveryoneProvide Multiple Communication Channels for Your Remote TeamMake…

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What Are Spikes in Agile and Why Do We Need Them?
December 3, 2021

What Are Spikes in Agile and Why Do We Need Them?

Sometimes the most optimal solution to a problem remains unclear, and there could be multiple reasons for it: perhaps a problem is particularly unique, with no known solution, or there could be a lack of…

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Making Meetings Work in a Post-Pandemic World
July 1, 2021

How to Make Meetings Work in a Post-Pandemic World

The workplace is changing, and what better way to prepare for the future than to face reality head on today? As a European development company, we work primarily as a near-shore provider and require plenty…

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Outsourcing vs Outstaffing What Is the Difference?
January 19, 2021

Outsourcing vs Outstaffing: What Is the Difference?

Starting a new software project can be a puzzling process fraught with decisions outside one’s area of expertise. While some organisations are blessed with capable IT departments that effectively take care of all their company's…

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