
SPG Blog About Software Development

How to Deal with Performance Problems in Software Development Img
February 8, 2023

Software Optimisation and Performance Profiling

How to Deal with Performance Problems in Software DevelopmentAs most readers are probably aware, software optimisation is essential to maintaining well-functioning software products, but this can also vary considerably depending on your product’s individual requirements.…

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Illustration for How to Find a Web Development Company in 2023
January 22, 2023

How to Find a Web Development Company in 2023

In 2023, finding a reliable web development company involves several key steps to ensure you choose a partner who aligns with your specific needs and goals. Embarking on your first web project can feel like…

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A man stands next to an open door labelled Pinia with a pile of pineapple boxes. To his left is a shut door labelled Vuex that has been scribbled with the word "meh."
January 11, 2023

Pinia vs Vuex: Farewell Vuex, Hello Pinia! How to Get Started?

What Is Pinia and Is It Going to Replace Vuex? As the Pinia vs Vuex battle gathers pace online, it is important to understand what Pinia is to begin with. Put simply, Pinia is a new…

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Top software development trends in 2023 cover
November 9, 2022

Trends in Software Development 2023

With 2022 soon coming to a close, it’s time for Software Planet Group to publish our summary of the latest trends in software development that are likely to make waves in every industry in 2023…

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AWS costs optimisation Cover Image
October 11, 2022

How to Audit Your Cloud Infrastructure Expenses (Amazon Based)?

Many projects rely on cloud infrastructure. Over time, as the infrastructure grows, so do the accompanying bills. This can often lead to the need for AWS cost optimisation.Software Planet Group were recently approached by a client…

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How to create a DeFi Crypto Exchange article Cover Illustration
September 29, 2022

How to Create a DeFi Crypto Exchange Platform

If you are interested in crypto exchange software development, you probably already know that a cryptocurrency exchange is a business — online or otherwise — enabling its customers to trade both digital and traditional fiat…

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The Queen's royal cypher
September 9, 2022

Death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Like millions of people across these islands, the Commonwealth and beyond, Software Planet are shocked and saddened to hear about the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, who dutifully served her subjects until the…

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SPG Slava Ukraini cover image
August 24, 2022

Happy Ukrainian Independence Day!

Our thoughts and hearts are with our partners and teams in Ukraine. Today, the country marks the 31st anniversary of its independence. This year's celebration is darkened by the full-scale invasion by Russia. And yet…

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A man starts a bespoke dev project on his laptop, sending out a wave of graphs
August 5, 2022

How to Start a Bespoke Dev Project – a Step by Step Guide for SMEs

Unlike startups – which are partial to simpler processes – and larger corporations, where processes are both well established and clearly defined, when it comes to software development, small and medium enterprises, or SMEs, do…

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Cloud infrastructure costs go bad illustration
June 13, 2022

How to Totally Fubar Your Cloud Infrastructure Costs

We tend to entrust our infrastructure in the cloud to the titans of the industry, relying on their tried-and-tested expertise, resources, resilience and capacity. After all, they enable our cloud solutions to take advantage of…

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