
SPG Blog About Software Development

The Best Way to Market Software
May 3, 2018

The Best Way to Market Software

At SPG, we are often asked how much money should be allocated towards marketing software products. The answer, however, may come as a disappointment, as there is in fact no definitive response. Instead, what typically…

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Our Stories The Thrilling Life of a Project Manager
April 13, 2018

Our Stories: The Thrilling Life of a Project Manager

If you knew him from outside his work environment, you would probably be surprised by what he does for a living. After all, when spotted in his natural element, Alex Lukavyi can be seen cycling…

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Cloud Migration
April 4, 2018

Cloud Migration: Getting Started Today

So you've finally decided to hop aboard the proverbial airwagon and embark on a journey to the cloud. Well done! This could well be the single most important decision you have ever made for your…

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Easter Eggs in Software Our Fun Selection
March 28, 2018

Easter Eggs in Software: Our Fun Selection

It's that chocolatey time of the year again! Bunnies are hopping, people are shopping, and the Easter egg hall of fame just keeps getting better and better. If you've hung around this blog for longer…

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A Digital Transformation Strategy How to Beat the Legacy Pull
March 23, 2018

A Digital Transformation Strategy: How to Beat the Legacy Pull

Contrary to popular belief, at the beginning of the second industrial revolution, electricity was largely seen as a dud. Though Thomas Edison first patented his famed light bulb in 1879, two decades later, the invention…

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Who Should Pay for Bug Fixes in Software Development?
March 20, 2018

Who Should Pay for Bug Fixes?

In a perfect world, every application would sit comfortably atop wholly stable, never-changing systems.Unfortunately for utopians everywhere, however, the foundation upon which modern software is built is much more akin to a ticking time bomb.While…

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5 Ways to Help Your Teams Meet Deadlines
March 14, 2018

Six Ways to Help Your Teams Meet Deadlines

While they may well be a leading cause of stress in the workplace, deadlines are something of a necessary evil, as without them — let the anarchists amongst us disagree — human productivity would all…

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To build or to buy software cover
February 21, 2018

When to Build vs Buy Software. Does It Matter?

Apples and oranges, chalk and cheese. Comparing bespoke software to canned solutions is a lot harder than one would initially assume — and yet companies across the world face this challenge every day. The trouble lies in…

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What Great Tech Leads Are Made Of?
February 16, 2018

What Great Tech Leads Are Made Of

For developers interested in moving up the ranks, the idea of becoming a tech lead may be as appealing as it is intimidating.After all, when leading development teams, only a small proportion of the skills…

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Diagnosing and Dealing with Problems of Productivity
February 14, 2018

Diagnosing and Dealing with Problems of Productivity

So your software development team has had a bit more than a hiccup. Productivity has stalled and frustration is increasing by the day. You know it's time to do something about it, but what exactly…

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