
SPG Blog About Software Development

The Fallacy of #NoEstimates
November 24, 2017

The Fallacy of #NoEstimates

Like most controversies these days, it seems, it all began with a simple tweet. An avid programmer by the name of Woody Zuill decided to publish his views on estimation, and just as he had…

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MeetUp Event
November 20, 2017

SPG Meetup: Angular on Fire

Over the last year, Software Planet Group's Ukrainian Meetup events have slowly been gaining momentum, and we have yet to tire of experimenting with new and exciting formats that will hopefully serve to make them…

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How to Create a Vibrant Company Culture
October 26, 2017

How to Create a Vibrant Company Culture

Within any organisation, corporate culture is widely regarded as one of the most important guarantors of success. Although the term has existed for quite some time, bolstered by highly dynamic corporations such as Facebook and…

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Avoiding Sticking-Plaster Solutions
October 13, 2017

Avoiding Sticking-Plaster Solutions

An unnamed engineering professor at Yale once stated that if he had just one hour to solve a problem, he would first spend up to forty minutes trying to define what the actual problem is.…

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Staying on Course Through Continuous Feedback
October 10, 2017

Staying on Course Through Continuous Feedback

What if on a casual sunny afternoon trip down the M25, the driver in a vehicle in front of you suddenly decided to hold his steering wheel tightly in place and ignore everything his eyes…

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A Partnership Tailored to You
October 8, 2017

A Partnership Tailored to You

While the quest to secure investments is a scene all too familiar to startup founders everywhere, every year, millions of people tune into BBC's Dragons' Den to catch but a glimpse of the oft-uncertain and…

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IT Career Day cover
October 5, 2017

IT Career Day 2017

Our Ukrainian development centre recently took part in a very successful IT Career Day. Even though many of the attending youngsters remained undecided on their future career paths, our trusted mentors were there to share…

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September 29, 2017

Cherkasy: Where It All Began

On the western bank of the Dnieper River lies the beautiful city of Cherkasy, Ukraine. Seventeen years ago, at the start of the new millennium, seven visionary freelancers from the area came together to form…

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Project KIOSK An Interns Report Img
September 25, 2017

Project KIOSK: An Intern’s Report

It all began last winter. We, a team of reckless youths, had somehow been chosen to take part in Software Planet Group's inCamp internship. Well aware of our stroke of good luck, we set out…

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September 20, 2017

When Game Development Meets External Vendors: Game Over?

The global gaming business is at an all-time high. This year, the industry is expected to generate over $150 billion (£116.5bn) in revenue. To anyone truly paying attention, however, this should come as no surprise.…

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