SPG Blog About Software Development
For the artistically disinclined, choosing the look that will one day represent your product or company can often be a time of confusion. After all, what constitutes “good” design anyway? Isn’t all of that subjective?…
“I am speed,” declared Lightning McQueen, the fearless red racer voiced by Owen Wilson in Pixar’s animated Cars. His psyching words are a gauging meter for the general mood in the 21st Century — when…
According to a recent study by the Michigan State University, people who spend a lot of time sitting down are often plagued by slow cognitive function, long-term memory loss and generally poor mental health. By…
“You could be great, you know... It’s all here in your head,” the old, raggedy hat whispered just above the frightened countenance of a young bespectacled boy. “And Quality Assurance will help you on your…
She steps onto a bus and as the engine revs, wonders why on earth the poor woman in front of her is holding onto the handrail as if her life depended on it. The ensuing…
If you knew him from outside his work environment, you would probably be surprised by what he does for a living. After all, when spotted in his natural element, Alex Lukavyi can be seen cycling…
While they may well be a leading cause of stress in the workplace, deadlines are something of a necessary evil, as without them — let the anarchists amongst us disagree — human productivity would all…
Apples and oranges, chalk and cheese. Comparing bespoke software to canned solutions is a lot harder than one would initially assume — and yet companies across the world face this challenge every day. The trouble lies in…
For developers interested in moving up the ranks, the idea of becoming a tech lead may be as appealing as it is intimidating.After all, when leading development teams, only a small proportion of the skills…
So your software development team has had a bit more than a hiccup. Productivity has stalled and frustration is increasing by the day. You know it's time to do something about it, but what exactly…