
SPG Blog About Software Development

Ilustration for 15 Tips for Working with Remote Developers
February 23, 2022

15 Tips for Working with Remote Developers

15 Tips for Working with Remote DevelopersIn general, when working with remote developers, companies should strive to:Establish Communication With the TeamStay In Constant ContactMake Schedules Convenient for EveryoneProvide Multiple Communication Channels for Your Remote TeamMake…

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Top 10 Questions Customers Should Ask Before Outsourcing Img
August 31, 2021

Top 10 Questions About Outsourcing (+1 for Good Measure)

When launching a new project, it is important to not only choose the right providers for your company, but to know which questions exactly should be put to them in the first place. So for…

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Outsourcing Retail Digital Transformation (2880x1500)
June 8, 2021

Outsourcing Retail Digital Transformation

In the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, changes in the customer value chain that might have normally taken half a decade to complete have taken place in as little as just five months. As a…

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Outsourcing vs Outstaffing What Is the Difference?
January 19, 2021

Outsourcing vs Outstaffing: What Is the Difference?

Starting a new software project can be a puzzling process fraught with decisions outside one’s area of expertise. While some organisations are blessed with capable IT departments that effectively take care of all their company's…

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Software Planet’s Dictionary Img
June 11, 2019

Software Planet’s Dictionary of Do’s and Don’ts

Just as with many other areas in life, in the software development world, there’s a lot that hangs on communication. After all, a single misplaced word can result in monumental misunderstandings, sparking people to become…

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The Disadvantages of Offshore Outsourcing
February 2, 2018

The Disadvantages of Offshore Outsourcing

If you've ever considered outsourcing software development to another country, you probably wondered how practical a move this would be. After all, it is not too difficult to conceive of a plethora of cases in…

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September 20, 2017

When Game Development Meets External Vendors: Game Over?

The global gaming business is at an all-time high. This year, the industry is expected to generate over $150 billion (£116.5bn) in revenue. To anyone truly paying attention, however, this should come as no surprise.…

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