
SPG Blog About Software Development

Demo Meeting
June 21, 2024

Demo Meetings: The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread

According to the seventh principle of Agile development, “working software is the primary measure of progress.”Before this revolutionary ideal, however, although customers could still in theory be kept informed on the status of their projects,…

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UX Writing
June 20, 2023

Are Copywriters and UX Writers One and the Same?

Though explaining what copywriting is may at times prove challenging in itself — you’d be surprised by how often writers are asked if it has anything to do with an ad about stealing cars —…

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A man starts a bespoke dev project on his laptop, sending out a wave of graphs
August 5, 2022

How to Start a Bespoke Dev Project – a Step by Step Guide for SMEs

Unlike startups – which are partial to simpler processes – and larger corporations, where processes are both well established and clearly defined, when it comes to software development, small and medium enterprises, or SMEs, do…

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Illustration for Advantages of Hiring Full-Stack Developers
January 25, 2022

Hiring Full-Stack Developers: Pros and Cons

Advantages and Disadvantages of Full-Stack Developers In essence, full-stack developers: Possess a Deeper Understanding & Wider View Are More Flexible Choose the Optimal Form of Implementation Handle Errors More Effectively Reduce Implementation Delays Reduce Communication…

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Gamification Good or Bad illustration
January 11, 2022

Good and Bad Gamification Examples

While Emily Blunt may have been positively enchanting portraying everyone’s favourite nanny on the big screen in 2018, who can forget Julie Andrews’ classic words from the 1964 original: “In every job that must be…

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What Are Spikes in Agile and Why Do We Need Them?
December 3, 2021

What Are Spikes in Agile and Why Do We Need Them?

Sometimes the most optimal solution to a problem remains unclear, and there could be multiple reasons for it: perhaps a problem is particularly unique, with no known solution, or there could be a lack of…

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Git as the core of the dev process illustration
November 13, 2020

Git as the Core of the Development Process

Git as the Core of the Development ProcessUnderstandably, with so many massive projects behind us, our customers often wonder how exactly we manage our source code and if our version control processes will be compatible…

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March 23, 2020

Our QA Reports: What to Expect

From the very start of your project, our QA team is heavily involved in every stage of the SDLC (software development life cycle). In this way, throughout development, we prepare a number of important deliverables,…

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Software Planet’s Dictionary Img
June 11, 2019

Software Planet’s Dictionary of Do’s and Don’ts

Just as with many other areas in life, in the software development world, there’s a lot that hangs on communication. After all, a single misplaced word can result in monumental misunderstandings, sparking people to become…

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May 8, 2019

Last October, Prime Minister Theresa May caused quite a stir in Parliament when she bravely announced to the world that her Brexit deal was “95 percent complete.” The widespread confusion, however, was wholly understandable. After…

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