Avoiding Ambiguity

Last October, Prime Minister Theresa May caused quite a stir in Parliament when she bravely announced to the world that her Brexit deal was “95 percent complete.” The widespread confusion, however, was wholly understandable. After all, with two years of negotiations behind her, what exactly did that mean? To anyone but her cabinet ministers and EU negotiators, of course, it was simply impossible to know. 

The same, however, could easily take place in software development. If we told you that your project was 99 percent complete, however would you know that that pesky last percentage point wouldn’t take twice as long to finalise as the other 99 together? Again, an impossibility. For this reason, in order to avoid all potential ambiguity, Software Planet Group will always steer clear of percentages. Instead, we make use of hours, velocity and complexity points.

For more information, please contact our support team.

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