
SPG Blog About Software Development

What Affects a Project Schedule A Load Balancing Story
April 3, 2024

What Affects a Project Schedule: A Load Balancing Story

Part 1. This Is Not the Load Balancer You’re Looking For…When assessing the scope of a new project, we always do our best to estimate the required level of effort as accurately as we possibly…

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AWS costs optimisation Cover Image
October 11, 2022

How to Audit Your Cloud Infrastructure Expenses (Amazon Based)?

Many projects rely on cloud infrastructure. Over time, as the infrastructure grows, so do the accompanying bills. This can often lead to the need for AWS cost optimisation.Software Planet Group were recently approached by a client…

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Cloud infrastructure costs go bad illustration
June 13, 2022

How to Totally Fubar Your Cloud Infrastructure Costs

We tend to entrust our infrastructure in the cloud to the titans of the industry, relying on their tried-and-tested expertise, resources, resilience and capacity. After all, they enable our cloud solutions to take advantage of…

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illustration for article on Amazon Elastic Block Store types
December 28, 2021

Amazon Elastic Block Store: Upgrading from GP2 to GP3

While we love developing software solutions for all of our customers, configuration and optimisation is yet another facet of our software services, often in the form of DevOps. As a result, even when our own…

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Featured Image AWS EKS Kubernetes access trap
February 3, 2021

The Amazon EKS Access Trap

The Amazon EKS Access Trap: How Not to Lose Control Over Your Own Clusters While some will have already worked with the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) — and are therefore perfectly familiar with this…

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Cloud Hosting Costs How-to
December 14, 2020

Cloud Hosting Costs: How to Monitor Them When Scaling Your Infrastructure

While there are plenty of reasons to move your software solutions to the cloud (digital transformation being just one of them), an important aspect that can often prove challenging to customers is the industry’s apparent…

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Tech debt and Code optimisation implications cover
November 27, 2020

Server Performance Optimisation Made Easy

Efficiency vs. ValueDid you know that in software development, a budget spent on server performance optimisation is an investment that will definitely pay off?In the endless pursuit of new features, we often forget to simply…

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