
SPG Blog About Software Development

June 24, 2019

How Scrum Works and Why You Should Choose It

In one of our previous articles, we explored the XP development process and how it moulded us into the company that we have become today.But because every yin needs its yang, today, we’re taking a…

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Software Planet’s Dictionary Img
June 11, 2019

Software Planet’s Dictionary of Do’s and Don’ts

Just as with many other areas in life, in the software development world, there’s a lot that hangs on communication. After all, a single misplaced word can result in monumental misunderstandings, sparking people to become…

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The Values Principles and Practices of Extreme Programming
May 29, 2019

The Values, Principles and Practices of Extreme Programming

Already on his first day of classes at the University of Oregon, at the very young age of 18, Agile demigod Kent Beck somehow knew he was destined for greatness. As the head of his…

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May 8, 2019

Last October, Prime Minister Theresa May caused quite a stir in Parliament when she bravely announced to the world that her Brexit deal was “95 percent complete.” The widespread confusion, however, was wholly understandable. After…

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Working with Full-Stack Developers
April 26, 2019

Why We Work with Full-Stack Developers

The “one expert per technology” mindset is as culturally pervasive as it is clearly detrimental, yet its origin is actually understandable. After all, if you have a heart condition, you go see a cardiologist, if…

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Fail Fast Approach_Turning_Failure_Into_Success
March 6, 2019

Our Fail Fast Approach: Turning Failure Into Success

From an early age, we are taught that failure is a bad thing. You should never fail exams, you aim to pass them; you don’t become something in life through a series of floundering events,…

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March 1, 2019

What to Expect from Our Product Teams

As explained in a previous article, working on a product instead of a project demands a totally different mindset, which often makes it difficult to discern and form a winning team.At Software Planet, however, we…

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Software Metrics How We Promote Transparency Img
January 23, 2019

Software Metrics: How We Promote Transparency

If you’ve ever worked on a project where very little — if any — attempt was made to keep everyone involved up to speed with development, then you’ll certainly understand how infuriating this can be.…

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Project Estimation
November 22, 2018

Project Estimation at SPG: What to Expect

If you are reading this article, our trusted business analysts have likely agreed to impart upon your project some much-project estimation. And well, you’ve come to the right place!After all, for today’s blog post, we…

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Making the Most of Code Review
November 1, 2018

Making the Most of Code Review

Every Agile development process strongly stresses the motif that the main goal of developers should not be to concern themselves with side issues, but rather to generate working code. This allows us to implement a…

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