
SPG Blog About Software Development

War in Ukraine Illustration 03-03UT News SPG #StandWithUkraine
March 3, 2022

UT NEWS (Ukraine Today) — Day 8

Thursday, March 3. With western support for Ukraine on the rise and condemnation over Russia’s illegal invasion continuing to grow, this week’s Time magazine cover features some poignant words in the Ukrainian language. The text…

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War in Ukraine Сover image UT News SPG #StandWithUkraine
March 2, 2022

UT NEWS (Ukraine Today) — Day 7

Wednesday, March 2. A new account has been set up by the National Bank of Ukraine for providing immediate humanitarian relief in the country. To donate to the Ukrainian relief efforts, please follow the website’s simple…

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Ukraine Today UT NEWS Illustration #StandWithUkraine
March 1, 2022

UT NEWS (Ukraine Today) — Day 6

Tuesday, March 1. Morning in Kharkiv began with an air strike in the city centre, causing considerable damage and casualties Following this latest event, President Zelenskyi appealed to other nations to consider Russia a terrorist…

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War in Ukraine UT News illustration #StandWithUkraine
February 28, 2022

UT NEWS (Ukraine Today) — Day 5

Monday, February 28. The president of Ukraine has invited military volunteers to join Ukrainian defence forces as a part of an “international legion”. According to Ukraine’s deputy defence minister, they have already received several thousands…

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Ilustration for 15 Tips for Working with Remote Developers
February 23, 2022

15 Tips for Working with Remote Developers

15 Tips for Working with Remote DevelopersIn general, when working with remote developers, companies should strive to:Establish Communication With the TeamStay In Constant ContactMake Schedules Convenient for EveryoneProvide Multiple Communication Channels for Your Remote TeamMake…

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Illustration for Pros and Cons of Flutter App Development
February 11, 2022

Does Google’s Flutter Live Up to the Hype?

As mobile applications continue to grow in popularity, in order to remain competitive, companies need to find new ways to build their apps for all mobile devices. Of course, both Google and Apple already provide…

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Illustration for Advantages of Hiring Full-Stack Developers
January 25, 2022

Hiring Full-Stack Developers: Pros and Cons

Advantages and Disadvantages of Full-Stack Developers In essence, full-stack developers: Possess a Deeper Understanding & Wider View Are More Flexible Choose the Optimal Form of Implementation Handle Errors More Effectively Reduce Implementation Delays Reduce Communication…

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Gamification Good or Bad illustration
January 11, 2022

Good and Bad Gamification Examples

While Emily Blunt may have been positively enchanting portraying everyone’s favourite nanny on the big screen in 2018, who can forget Julie Andrews’ classic words from the 1964 original: “In every job that must be…

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illustration for article on Amazon Elastic Block Store types
December 28, 2021

Amazon Elastic Block Store: Upgrading from GP2 to GP3

While we love developing software solutions for all of our customers, configuration and optimisation is yet another facet of our software services, often in the form of DevOps. As a result, even when our own…

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Building a Trading Terminal In-article illustration
December 17, 2021

Build a Trading Terminal with Custom Charts & Indicators

While pertinent price charts are the cornerstone of any trading platform worth its salt, until recently, providing users with a bespoke trading terminal was only reserved for a selected few. After all, beyond the expenses…

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