
SPG Blog About Software Development

Fun With NLP
March 2, 2020

Fun With NLP (Natural Language Processing)

It’s no secret that every language is a complex beast to master. Even English, with its watered down Germanic grammar and extensive borrowings from Latin, will often befuddle the most learned of minds. Unsurprisingly, therefore,…

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Must-Read Books If You Are Interested in Agile Development
March 2, 2020

4 Must-Read Books If You Are Interested in Agile Development

So you’re interested in Agile development, but are finding it a little too difficult to grasp? Well, look no further! Software Planet Group have assembled here a few of our favourite books by some truly…

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December 18, 2019

Top Software Development Technologies In 2020

As the winds of digital transformation continue to relentlessly blow, across virtually every sector, development technologies are incessantly evolving and adapting. For this reason, it is critical to be aware of the current trends taking…

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What is Wrong with the Waterfall Model
July 12, 2019

What is Wrong with the Waterfall Model?

Despite the fact that for a very long time, it completely dominated the world of software development, today, it is difficult to find anyone who would rise in stalwart defence of the rusting Waterfall model.…

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Making Valuable Predictions with Linear Regression Img
July 7, 2019

Making Valuable Predictions with Linear Regression

If you’ve not been living under a rock, you’ve probably already heard about machine learning (ML) technology. After all, on Software Planet’s blog page alone, this topic has already been covered from multiple angles —…

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Reducing Software Development Costs
June 28, 2019

How to Reduce Software Development Costs

With the time and willingness on our hands, it can quickly become difficult to sit back and twiddle our thumbs. This is why when starting a new software project, our customers are often filled with…

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June 24, 2019

How Scrum Works and Why You Should Choose It

In one of our previous articles, we explored the XP development process and how it moulded us into the company that we have become today.But because every yin needs its yang, today, we’re taking a…

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Hertz vs Accenture
June 20, 2019

The Hertz vs. Accenture Lawsuit: How to Avoid Major Problems and Delays in Software Development

As software vendors, we all have horror stories to tell, but perhaps none quite like this one… (more…)

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Software Planet’s Dictionary Img
June 11, 2019

Software Planet’s Dictionary of Do’s and Don’ts

Just as with many other areas in life, in the software development world, there’s a lot that hangs on communication. After all, a single misplaced word can result in monumental misunderstandings, sparking people to become…

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June 3, 2019

Information Security: Trends and Challenges

To be the ultimate software provider, you have to be willing to meet all aspects of your customers’ needs. This is why in addition to developing software, SPG offer vital information security audits of both…

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