
SPG Blog About Software Development

One Step Away from Embarrassment
April 29, 2024

One Step Away from Embarrassment

The Integration GigThis is yet another story when incommunicado modus operandi leads to broken builds, shattered dreams, and embarrassment.A FinTech business had several teams working on its automated platform: a dedicated team provided by SPG,…

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Connection Timeout: Communication is key
March 4, 2024

Communication Timeout: A Horror Story

We cannot stress enough the importance of communication on software development projects, especially when it comes to distributed or remote teams. This may seem like a cliché, but it has so many meanings (and implications!).…

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What is P3 Express Framework?
May 8, 2023

P3 Express: A Minimalist and Practical Framework

Effectively managing software projects is no easy feat. It requires discipline, coordination, and bucketloads of determination. Yet this is only made more difficult when paired with an inadequate project management framework. To complicate matters even…

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June 24, 2019

How Scrum Works and Why You Should Choose It

In one of our previous articles, we explored the XP development process and how it moulded us into the company that we have become today.But because every yin needs its yang, today, we’re taking a…

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Software Planet’s Dictionary Img
June 11, 2019

Software Planet’s Dictionary of Do’s and Don’ts

Just as with many other areas in life, in the software development world, there’s a lot that hangs on communication. After all, a single misplaced word can result in monumental misunderstandings, sparking people to become…

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April 4, 2019

Our Annual Intermission

Just like every good knife must occasionally be sharpened, from time to time, developers too must also refresh their talents. This is why every year (at the end of May or beginning of June) our…

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March 1, 2019

What to Expect from Our Product Teams

As explained in a previous article, working on a product instead of a project demands a totally different mindset, which often makes it difficult to discern and form a winning team.At Software Planet, however, we…

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January 28, 2019

Agile for Larger Projects

It is no secret that when the Agile methodology was first conceived, this was done with fairly small development teams in mind. Yet today, with Agile’s increasing popularity in software companies across the globe, the…

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Project Estimation
November 22, 2018

Project Estimation at SPG: What to Expect

If you are reading this article, our trusted business analysts have likely agreed to impart upon your project some much-project estimation. And well, you’ve come to the right place!After all, for today’s blog post, we…

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Integrating New Arrivals
October 16, 2018

Integrating New Arrivals

Our customers often inquire as to how in the world our newer developers will be skilful enough to deal with our development process — and really, who can blame then? After all, how laid-back and…

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