Trends in Software Development 2023


Trends in Software Development 2023

With 2022 soon coming to a close, it’s time for Software Planet Group to publish our summary of the latest trends in software development that are likely to make waves in every industry in 2023 (for the full article, with great examples and further analysis, download our official 2023 Trends Report). This time around, beyond familiar technologies that continue to evolve, we should also see exciting newcomers attempting to take the world by storm. So without delay, let’s go over the top trends in software development for 2023!

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Current Software Development Trends

Edge Computing

One of the most obvious current trends in software development is edge computing. The technology is already making headway in a number of industries including retail, healthcare and finance, and this is likely to continue in 2023. A modern take on cloud computing, edge computing brings data a lot closer to the user by only processing it near the original source.

Industry Cloud Platforms

Another trend set to gain steam in the corporate world is the so-called Industry Cloud Platform — packaged solutions for specific industries combining SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS platform capabilities. This means that businesses will no longer have to obtain and configure multiple products, as they can simply purchase a pre-packaged solution that is catered to the needs of their industry.

Zero Trust Architecture

Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has given the term “security” a whole new meaning, as both malware and infrastructure vulnerabilities are seen as weapons in the hands of a dangerous state. These new threats require fresh response tactics. The Zero Trust approach could potentially hold the answer — a set of critical principles and guidelines that is based on a distrust of everything, be it within or outside the network perimeter.

Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics encompasses a variety of techniques (e.g. data mining, machine learning and statistical modelling) that can analyse a company’s historical data and make valuable predictions about the future. The approach can be employed to forecast inventory needs, avoid food waste and product shortages and set prices based on trends in the market.

A related trend is Applied Observability, which seeks to analyse data for improved decision making. The technique is used to analyse data from corporate operations to fully automate the decision making process.

Trending programming languages

The landscape of programming languages is ever-evolving. As new languages and frameworks gain popularity, it is important to ensure that developers and their performance evaluation plans are staying up-to-date with the latest tools and trends in order to maintain high levels of productivity and efficiency.

Gathered below are today’s trending software development technologies:


Though originally created in the 1980s, in October 2022, Python once again topped the TIOBE Index, a reliable indicator of the popularity of programming languages.


JavaScript might not have clinched the top spot in the TIOBE index this year, but it is still the perpetual choice for Github users, owing to its ability to create superior user experiences.

Golang (Go)

While Go is still a relative newcomer to the programming language scene — which of course results in fewer libraries and frameworks — its popularity continues to rise, though not as steeply as it did last year.


Finally, no list of the latest software development trends would be complete without at least mentioning Rust in passing, as it is currently the most loved programming language amongst developers. The language is used to develop games, embedded systems, device drivers, operating systems and emulators, and is enjoying widespread adoption by internet giants like Meta and Google. In fact, Linus Torvalds — the creator of Linux himself — said we are likely to see Rust in the Linux kernel “by early 2023.” Expect many more similar moves to follow.

Focus on sustainability

With the year 2050 getting ever closer, the need to plan for a sustainable future will eventually expand to every area of our lives. This is why we predict widespread adoption of improved traceability, analytics and efficiency tracking to create more sustainable IT solutions. This not only is one of the most important software development trends of 2023, but it should also be on every investor’s priority list.

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Ongoing Tech Trends that Remain Relevant in 2023


As Elon Musk reminded us with his Tesla Optimus, the push for creating humanoid robots remains at the forefront of technological innovation. The prototype uses the same neural network systems that currently power Tesla’s self-driving cars. Nevertheless, cars and anthropomorphic robots are not the only trending AI applications.

Both on the battlefield and in other more peaceful areas of our lives, computer vision is being widely adopted. Over the years, the technology has greatly improved and is currently employed by UAVs and drones. Paired with sensors and AI systems, it can also be used on the hospital floor to automatically disinfect premises.

AR, VR & the Metaverse

While the metaverse is undeniably a software development trend in 2023, it is still a nebulous concept to many — an obstacle which could prove critical when deciding whether or not to invest. This is because a true metaverse, at least for now, remains a developer’s Zuckerbergian dream. Nevertheless, what Meta have created thus far provides some interesting opportunities for remote workers and digital marketers.

Will the metaverse really take off?

Though it is difficult to predict if the metaverse will actually materialise, some have started to see it as a potential point of consolidation. After all, at the moment, virtual environments tend to be run on a plurality of platforms and devices. The metaverse might bring previously isolated environments into a single unified framework.

"By 2026, 30% of organisations in the world will have products and services ready for the metaverse"

Marty Resnick, vice president of research at Gartner

Another way the metaverse could develop is through extensive use of digital twins – virtual counterparts of physical objects with real-time data to reflect their current states. The technology is already being embraced by a number of industries including retail, manufacturing, construction and healthcare.

The Blockchain & Web 3.0

As platforms like Fireblocks are on the rise, in September, Bloomberg reported a 97 percent crash in NFT trading volume from the highs of 2022. So is it still worth investing in blockchain in 2023? Despite the crash in the market, blockchain continues to have broad appeal in numerous industries for developing systems with secure data exchange. In 2023, we expect to see many more pioneering companies laying the groundwork to make a blockchain-powered Web 3.0 a reality.

AI/ML driven components and software

Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) should also remain trending technologies in software development, as they continue to find their way into nearly every form of software and device. After all, thanks to faster hardware for deep learning and increasingly clever ML algorithms (with an emphasis on reinforced learning), artificial intelligence is continuously improving. Over the next months and years, we predict that AI systems will become more and more adaptive through constant retraining and real-time feedback.


Last but not least, the need for interconnection between platforms and applications is driving the emergence of so-called “superapps.” In principle similar to a giant web portal, a typical superapp will offer its users a set of core features, whilst also allowing them to develop their own apps — thus serving as a platform for third-party addons. Current examples of popular superapps include WeChat, AliPay and Rappi, though Slack might also soon be joining their ranks. The trend of consolidating numerous app features into a single unified platform is likely to continue.

software development trend 2023 Superapps

In spite of the economic turmoil, there are plenty of new opportunities to look forward to in the coming year. We hope you’re as excited about the latest trends in software development as we are, and wish you a happy and prosperous 2023!

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