Our QA Reports: What to Expect


Our QA Reports: What to Expect

From the very start of your project, our QA team is heavily involved in every stage of the SDLC (software development life cycle). In this way, throughout development, we prepare a number of important deliverables, from test strategies and test scenarios to critical metrics and Quality Assurance documents. 

For today’s article, however, we would like to focus exclusively on the latter — our indispensable QA reports.

What exactly are QA reports?

Essentially, Software Planet Group’s Quality Assurance reports serve as a vital starting point for all of our customers, as they enable them to quickly grasp the current state of their software projects. To do so most effectively, we offer two main types of documentation: progress test reports (including system integration testing (SIT) reports, daily reports, and others) and summary test reports. 

What information is included in QA Reports?

In addition to performed test summaries and the status of product quality, our QA reports will invariably include a wide variety of noteworthy data:

  • Testing period updates
  • Deviations from plan, including deviations in schedule, duration, or the effort of test activities
  • The status of ongoing tests (in relation to exit criteria and the “definition of done”)
  • Progress-hindering factors
  • Metrics including defects, test coverage, test cases, activity progress and resource consumption
  • Residual risks
  • Reusable test products 

When arranging all of this information, we have a few tricks up our sleeves.

What makes SPG reports unique

1. Simplicity

Our progress reports are both logically structured and employ a fuss-free presentation format. Just take a quick gander at the performance report below!

Our QA Reports: What to Expect

2. Visual Feedback

As seen in the example above, not only do we make use of informative graphs — in addition to other charts and illustrations — but we also employ an assortment of visual cues. In the image below, for instance, anything marked in green or red would require one’s immediate attention.

QA Reports: Visual Feedback Img

3. Consistency

If you were paying attention, by the way, you probably noticed the repeated use of the word “today.” When SPG say “daily reports,” you see, we truly mean it! Our QA team is entirely committed to keeping clients up-to-speed at all times, so you can always count on their detailed summaries to guarantee your software products’ stability. 

QA Reports
Quality Assurance Reports


Without a doubt, SPG’s QA reports are the single most informative component of our Agile development process. This is why we have gone to extraordinary lengths to make them as straightforward as they possibly can be. 

We hope this article has served to allay your fears of any lengthy technical jargon as we continue to fulfil our mission of putting people before processes and tools.

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