Project Kiosk: Food Delivery Made Easy


Project Kiosk: Food Delivery Made Easy

If you own a takeaway or are a restauranter, then you will certainly know what it’s like to be on the lookout for a software solution. After all, in this day and age, without an adequate online presence, it is really do or die! Thankfully, Software Planet Group have extensive experience in the food service industry, from helping schools to deliver hot lunches to assisting businesses with their staff’s snack stock. For today’s blog post, we would like to spend some time solely focusing on the latter, so let’s take a look at Project Kiosk.


Not too long ago, we told you all about Project Kiosk, a highly inventive food delivery solution developed for a valued enterprise customer of ours. Above all, SPG’s main goal for this project was to find a way to efficiently deliver snacks to company buildings in various locations. This should minimise both minimise under and overstocking and simultaneously improve upon the overall customer experience.

Though at the time, our interns involved in Kiosk faced significant technical challenges, today, it is safe to say that the project works like an absolute dream — but don’t just take our word for it. See for yourself!

Project Kiosk: Food Delivery Made Easy

Kiosk was built in Angular and Spring Boot and though originally, developers set out to allow employees to register their personal details so that vendors may be informed of who had purchased what and where, over time, this concept has evolved into a fully automated smart vending machine — complete with a touchscreen display and a mobile application to boot!

Even better, Kiosk will even allow vendors to scan barcodes to perform quick inventory checks and keep tabs on financial data. All totally secure, all totally painless.

Whether you are a young startup or an established company in the catering industry, your journey towards digital transformation depends on forward-thinking, out-of-the-box ideas.
So what are you waiting for? Get in touch with SPG to discover what we can do for your company today!

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