Java Development Services

Our Java software development services encompass the design, implementation, testing, integration, and modernisation of applications using the Java platform. As a mature and impact-focused software development company, SPG understands the unique needs of our varied clients, many of whom rely on the Java framework.We address these needs effectively, quickly, and at a reduced cost.

As a company experienced in Java development, SPG delivers secure and scalable software solutions to businesses across the globe. We have more than 50 talented Java developers on board, working to provide Java application development services to meet our clients’ specific requirements. By committing to carefully-selected technological innovations, SPG is able to leverage the latest features and updates in the Java framework, and ensure that clients receive cutting-edge solutions.

Additionally, SPG’s expertise extends beyond mere coding to encompass comprehensive support, design, and maintenance services. This enables us to guarantee the longevity and optimal performance of your Java applications.

Java Development Services

Our Java Development Services

Our Java software development services encompass the entire lifecycle of applications, including design, integration, implementation, testing, refinement, and modernisation.

As a progressive, established and driven IT company, we at SPG work hard to meet the distinct requirements of clients across 15+ industries, delivering bespoke Java-based solutions promptly and with a cost reduction of 20–50%.


Bespoke Java development


Java consulting services


Legacy codebase modernisation


Desktop app development


CTO & Tech Lead support


Java application migration to the cloud


Architecture building

Java Benefits

There are plenty of reasons why companies in need of tech solutions choose Java.

Java is a powerfully progressive, open-source development platform that facilitates the development of everything from APIs to ERP systems. Businesses use the Java framework to create secure, scalable web applications, desktop applications, mobile apps, cloud solutions, and enterprise systems.

Here are some of the benefits of using the Java framework:


Platform Independence: Java's "write once, run anywhere" capability allows applications to run on any device or operating system with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).


Robust and Secure: Java has a strong focus on security, with features such as automatic memory management, garbage collection, and built-in security APIs.


Scalability: Java is highly scalable, making it suitable for both small applications and large enterprise systems.


Continuous Updates and Improvements: Java is regularly updated with new features, performance enhancements, and security improvements, ensuring it remains a modern and powerful development platform.


Strong Community Support: With a large and active community, Java offers extensive resources, forums, and libraries, making it easier to find solutions and support.


Object-Oriented Programming: Java's object-oriented nature promotes modularity, code reusability, and easy maintenance, enhancing software development efficiency.


Multi-threading Capability: Java supports multi-threading, allowing the development of highly responsive and efficient applications.


Extensive Ecosystem: Java has a rich ecosystem with numerous frameworks (like Spring, Hibernate), tools, and integrated development environments (IDEs) like IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse.


Rich Standard Library: Java provides a comprehensive standard library (Java Standard Edition) that includes a wide range of utilities and functions for various tasks, simplifying development.


Enterprise Readiness: Java is widely used in enterprise environments due to its reliability, performance, and the availability of enterprise-grade frameworks and tools.

Looking to speed up Java development within your business?

Discover how we can assist.

Why Choose SPG Engineers for Java Development?

Choosing SPG’s experienced engineers for your Java development project ensures access to unparalleled expertise and the ability to create innovative solutions tailored to your specific needs. With a proven track record of success and a firm commitment to collaboration, we deliver reliable, scalable, and future-proof software solutions.

Bespoke Solutions

We understand that every business is unique. That's why we offer bespoke Java development services tailored to meet your specific needs and objectives. Whether you require a custom Java web application or a robust Java mobile app, we've got you covered.

Expertise & Experience

With years of experience under their belts, our team of skilled Java developers has a deep understanding of the Java framework. We've successfully delivered numerous Java projects, ranging from simple web applications to complex enterprise-level solutions.

Quality Assurance

At SPG, we have strict QA testing procedures that we subject all projects to before delivering them. Rigorous QA testing, along with our policy of following best practices, helps us to ensure that every Java solution we provide is user-ready and free from bugs.

Transparent Communication

We believe in maintaining open and transparent communication channels with our clients. We’ll keep you informed on the progress of your project every step of the way, from the initial consultation to the final delivery.

Timely Delivery

We understand the importance of time frames in business, and that's why we always deliver our Java projects on time, without compromising on the quality.

Post-Deployment Support

Our relationship with clients doesn't end with the delivery of the project. We provide ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure your Java application continues to perform optimally.

Competitive Pricing

Despite offering top-quality Java development services, our pricing is highly competitive, plus we offer flexible pricing models to suit different budget requirements.


Deployment is the following stage of the software development life cycle, where the custom software developers’ product is released and made available to end users. In other words, this is when your software product is finally deployed to the target environment; any necessary configurations will then be made to ensure smooth operation. We use automated deployment processes at SPG to reduce errors and ensure consistency. Our team of experts work with your company to provide a successful and hassle-free deployment process.


As a user-centric company, support is essential to our full-cycle software development process. We understand software systems require ongoing support and maintenance to ensure they operate as intended and meet your changing business requirements. Our team of dedicated support specialists can provide technical assistance, troubleshoot any sudden issues and make necessary product adjustments. We offer three different support tiers tailored to our clients’ needs.

Our Approach to Java Development

At SPG, our approach to Java development is rooted in our commitment to delivering bespoke solutions that meet the unique needs of each client. At every step, we’ll keep you informed and updated, and take into account any feedback you may have. This client-focused approach ensures that our Java solutions not only meet your expectations, but exceed them. Here’s an overview of the SPG process:


Understanding Your Needs

The first step of our process is to get familiar with your business, goals and requirements. We take the time to listen to you, and to truly understand what you want to achieve with your Java project.


Design and Development

With your wants and needs understood, our Java team starts designing and developing your solution. We follow best practices for Java development to ensure that your project is robust, scalable and secure.


Deployment and Delivery

Once your Java solution has passed our Quality Assurance tests, we deploy it to your environment. We also provide you with all the relevant documentation you need to use and maintain your new solution.


Planning and Strategy

Based on your needs, we develop a strategy plan for your Java project. This includes deciding which technologies to use, the best architecture for the job, and an appropriate timeline for the project.


Quality Testing

Our Quality Assurance team thoroughly tests your Java solution to ensure that it's working perfectly. Our rigorous process includes unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing.


Post-Deployment Support

After your Java solution is in place, we don't just walk away. We provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure your solution continues to meet your needs and perform optimally.

Technology Stack

Our Java development services generally utilize technologies such as Java, Spring, Hibernate, Apache Struts, JavaServer Faces (JSF), JavaFX, and Eclipse. We’re always careful to choose the right tech for the job.

Frameworks & Platforms

Spring Framework


Apache Struts

JavaServer Faces (JSF)




Play Framework




Apache Commons

Google Guava







Apache POI

Apache HttpClient


Hibernate Validator




QA & Reporting








Apache JMeter




JUnit Vintage Engine



Rest Assured

Java Architectural Design Patterns




Hexagonal Architecture

Headless (Decoupled)


Clean Architecture

Vertical slicing

Layered (N-Tier) Architecture




We Work with Major Mainstream Technologies

We specialise in cutting-edge technologies that drive innovation and transform businesses. From Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence to Big Data and Machine Learning, we harness the power of major mainstream and emerging technologies to deliver groundbreaking solutions. Whether it’s creating immersive experiences with Virtual Reality or enhancing decision-making capabilities through the use of Augmented Reality, we always leverage the latest technological advancements to propel your organisation into the future.

Our Java Development Team

Software Planet Group serves as a comprehensive solution for assembling proficient Java development teams. With our headquarters in the United Kingdom and a global network of talented professionals, we offer a vast pool of skilled software developers, QA engineers, and DevOps specialists, complemented by experienced business analysts, project managers, and UI/UX designers. Whatever role your project demands, our cross-functional development team has the necessary expertise. You can count on our dedicated Java development team to deliver exceptional results.


Java Developer

Many projects demand a broader spectrum of skills. Our remote Java developers can painstakingly craft complete solutions, covering everything from backend development to UI design and the deepest data management layers. Additionally, you can hire senior software developers for demanding or complex projects.


Project Manager

Our project managers serve as the vital bridge between your company and the project’s execution. Their careful planning, meticulous control and open communication contribute to the successful and efficient realisation of your projects, making them a pivotal asset in achieving your business objectives.


DevOps Specialist

For projects that demand performance optimisation and environment setup, which encompasses aspects such as integration servers and a CI/CD pipeline, our developers for hire include infrastructure and DevOps specialists who can support your company and guide you through the entire project lifecycle.


QA Engineer

Software Planet Group’s QA specialists can ensure that both your code and end product meet the quality standards that the industry demands. At the same time, they certify that your software product will delight users, and is free of technical and security issues. 


Business Analyst

Our business analysts are the catalysts for aligning your business goals with the technical aspects of software development. They may be responsible for initial scoping and requirements or translating your business requirements into technical tasks for software developers, ensuring your project remains focused.

Our Awards

SPG clutch award
SPG Top Developers badge
SPG Appfutura
SPG upwork top provider

What Our Clients say

When it comes to serving customers, there is never really a silver bullet. Our success is the direct result of working hard to find the right approach for every one of our specific partners.

Bespoke Java Solutions for all Industries

Regardless of the size of your business, bespoke Java development is ideal for when an existing product doesn’t adequately meet your specific requirements.

With a deep understanding of business, technology and market trends, SPG has developed tailored software solutions for more than 30 different industries. Click on the icons below to discover more about our Java experience in a specific industry.

Case Studies

At SPG, we’re proud of the work we do. From SMEs to large corporations looking for web developers in the UK, we are the trusted partners of hundreds of businesses — both UK-wide and internationally — who put their confidence in our experienced programming specialists.

Our case studies showcase our diverse portfolio of Java software development projects, highlighting our expertise in crafting bespoke solutions that drive business growth. With a focus on delivering quantifiable results and exceeding client expectations, we continue to solidify our reputation as a leading provider of Java development services in the industry.

If you’re interested in our past Java projects, take a look at our featured case studies!

How to get Started

If you’re considering hiring a Java developer, you’re making a strategic decision to harness one of the most powerful and versatile frameworks in the industry. Our team of skilled Java developers comes with years of experience, and is ready to tackle even the most complex projects.
Whether you need a custom application, to integrate existing systems, or to enhance your software infrastructure, we have the knowledge and resources to assist. With a focus on innovation, efficiency, and absolute customer satisfaction, we’re dedicated to helping you achieve your business objectives through tailored Java solutions. Partner with us today to unlock the full potential of Java for your organisation.

If you’re ready to hire a Java developer, our customer roadmap is as straightforward as it gets:

Get in touch

Arrange a phone call or video chat

Provide requirements

Get Efforts Estimation

Start development

Looking for Java development in the UK?

Unlock top-tier Java development expertise with SPG

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