The Great Debate: Gatsby vs. Next.js


The Great Debate: Gatsby vs. Next.js

What is Gatsby.js?

Gatsby.js is a modern web framework, built on top of React, that specialises in generating static sites. It is designed to help developers build fast, secure, and highly optimised websites. Gatsby leverages the power of static site generation, which pre-renders pages at build time, ensuring that users experience fast load times and a seamless browsing experience.

Pros: Cons:

Fast perceived performance from users: Gatsby generates static files, which leads to fast load times.

Changes require a rebuild: Every update necessitates a full site rebuild.

SEO friendly: Server-side rendering ensures that search engines can index the full HTML.

Learning curve for developers unfamiliar with GraphQL: Developers need to learn GraphQL to leverage Gatsby’s full potential.

Extensive partner ecosystem through plugin library: A rich library of plugins to support various functionalities.

Scaling issues with large apps: Performance can degrade with very large applications due to the static generation approach.

Out-of-the-box GraphQL integration: Provides a unified way to query data from various sources.

Comprehensive documentation: Extensive resources and guides are available to developers.

What is Next.js?

Next.js is a powerful React framework that allows developers to build server-rendered React applications with ease. It provides hybrid static and server rendering, incremental static regeneration, and a flexible data-fetching approach, making it suitable for a wide range of projects including everything from personal blogs to large-scale enterprise websites.

Pros: Cons:

Better user experience: Next.js offers features like server-side rendering for improved performance.

No plugin library: Lacks a centralised plugin library like Gatsby.

Best developer experience: Simplifies the development process with intuitive APIs and robust tooling.

Opinionated API routing: Enforces a specific way of handling routing, which might not suit all projects.

Light enough for personal sites, but easily scales up for enterprise sites: Next.js easily scales from small projects to large applications.

Great support for server-side rendering: Enhances performance and SEO by rendering pages on the server.

Extensive partner ecosystem: Integrates well with various third-party services and platforms.

Gatsby vs Next

What is the difference between Gatsby.js and Next.js?

Static vs. Dynamic

Gatsby.js follows a static site generation (SSG) approach, pre-rendering HTML files during the build process. This ensures fast load times and high performance since the content is generated ahead of time and served as static files.

Next.js, on the other hand, supports both server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG). It can pre-render pages at build time, like Gatsby, but it can also dynamically render pages on the server, enabling features like server-side rendering and incremental static regeneration (ISR). ISR allows static pages to be updated without a full rebuild, providing more flexibility and better performance for content-heavy sites.

HTML/JS/CSS Generating and Page Rendering

Understanding these processes is crucial, as they directly impact the performance, SEO, and user experience of web applications.


Build process: Transforms source code and data into static HTML, CSS, and JS files during the build process.

Static Site Generation: Pre-renders HTML files, ensuring optimised static files for each page.

Client-side hydration: After the page is rendered, React attaches event handlers and initialises state.

Single-page application: Uses client-side routing to fetch data and render new pages without full reloads.

Code splitting and lazy loading: Splits CSS and JS into smaller chunks, enabling on-demand loading and improving performance.


Server-side rendering: Generates pages on the server after a user request, improving performance and SEO.

Incremental Static Regeneration: Updates static pages without a full rebuild, offering better flexibility.

Static Site Generation: Pre-renders pages at build time like Gatsby.

Client-side rendering: Supports client-side data fetching and rendering for dynamic content.


Routing is a fundamental aspect of web development that determines how users navigate through a website. Effective routing enhances the user experience by providing seamless transitions between pages and enabling sophisticated navigation structures.


File-based routing: Each page corresponds to a specific file in the project directory.

Nested routes: Allows for the creation of a hierarchical structure of the website with nested directories.

Dynamic routes: Supports dynamic routes using files with “[]” brackets, enabling parameterised pages.

Programmatic routing: Uses the “navigate” function from “@reach/router” for programmatic navigation.

Linking: The “Link” component preloads internal resources for navigation without full page reloads.

Page context: Passes context data during routing to generate content dynamically.


File-based routing: Advanced routing capabilities with support for nested and dynamic routes out-of-the-box.

API routes: Built-in API routing to handle backend functionality within the same project.

Dynamic and nested routes: Allows complex routing structures with dynamic segments.

Data Fetching

Data fetching is a critical component of modern web applications, enabling the retrieval and management of data from various sources.


GraphQL data layer: Uses GraphQL to query data from various sources during the build process.


Source plugins: Fetch data from external sources like APIs, CMSs, and databases.


Transformer plugins: Modify and process data as needed.


Static queries and page queries: Retrieve data during the build process, making it available at compile time.


Client-side data fetching: Uses tools like Axios or Fetch API for dynamic data fetching.



Versatile data fetching: Supports client-side, server-side, and static data fetching.


getStaticProps and getServerSideProps: Fetch data during the build or on the server-side as needed.


API routes: Implement custom API endpoints within the same project.


Data Security

Gatsby, being a static site generator, inherently reduces certain security risks as there are no live server components to exploit. Static sites are less vulnerable to common web attacks such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS). However, developers must still follow best practices to secure APIs and data sources used during the build process.

Next.js places a strong emphasis on data security, offering robust features and best practices to safeguard sensitive information. It includes built-in security measures to mitigate risks associated with data breaches and unauthorised access, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of user data. Additionally, Next.js provides comprehensive documentation and resources to assist developers in implementing secure data handling practices, fostering trust and confidence among users.


Gatsby.js allows developers to extend the functionality of the websites and applications through the following:


Plugins: Gatsby has a wide range of plugins, which provide additional features, integrations and optimisations. There are not only official plugins available, but also community-created ones. These can enhance SEO, image processing, analytics, content sourcing, etc.

Customisation through Configuration: Many settings and configurations for a website can be set in the gatsby-config.js file, which is the main setting file. It contains metadata, configuring plugins, data sources, and more.

Theming: Websites can be customised using themes. These may be custom, or taken from the Gatsby theme library. Themes help to maintain a consistency of design across the website.

APIs and Hooks: Gatsby allows developers to extend the build process, modify data and integrate with external services by using APIs and hooks. Gatsby’s browser and server-side APIs provide hooks to modify the behaviour of the application on both client and server environments.

Next.js, on the other hand, offers the following options:


Middleware: Extend functionality with custom middleware.

Custom webpack configurations: Customise the build process as needed.

Plugins: While not as extensive as Gatsby, Next.js supports custom plugins through its ecosystem.

Gatsby.js and Next.js: The Similarities

Both Gatsby.js and Next.js are built on React, and both support modern JavaScript features, making them popular choices for developers looking to build performant, SEO-friendly websites. They both offer static site generation capabilities, support server-side rendering, and provide excellent developer experiences with comprehensive documentation and community support.

Is Gatsby faster than Next?

Gatsby.js sites can be faster due to their static nature, optimised during the build process. However, Next.js can also achieve high performance with server-side rendering and incremental static regeneration, making it competitive in terms of speed. The choice often depends on the specific use case and requirements of the project.

Deployment and Hosting

Both frameworks offer multiple options for deploying and hosting their websites.


Gatsby Cloud: Specialised hosting platform offering incremental builds, preview URLs, and performance optimisation.

Static site hosting: Compatible with providers like Netlify, Vercel, GitHub Pages, and AWS S3 + CloudFront.

Docker: Containerize and deploy Gatsby sites on platforms like Docker Hub, Google Cloud Platform, or Amazon ECS.

Content Delivery Networks (CDN): Integrate with CDNs like Cloudflare, Fastly, and AWS CloudFront.

Headless CMS Hosting: Deploy both CMS and Gatsby site using CMS-specific hosting options or general providers.


Vercel: Preferred platform for Next.js, offering seamless integration and optimised performance.


Traditional web servers: Compatible with AWS, Azure, and other cloud platforms.


Serverless deployment: Built-in support for serverless functions enabling efficient scaling and cost-effective hosting.

SEO Optimisation

When it comes to SEO optimisation, Gatsby’s server-side rendering, metadata management, and built-in image optimisation tools provide significant benefits, ensuring that websites are easily discoverable by search engines.

Next.js also excels in this area, offering server-side rendering, dynamic meta tags, structured data support, and SEO-friendly URLs, all of which contribute to improved search engine visibility.

Accessibility Features

By prioritising accessibility, developers can create inclusive applications that cater to a diverse user base, enhancing the overall user experience and compliance with legal standards.

In terms of accessibility, both frameworks emphasise the use of semantic HTML and keyboard navigation. Gatsby’s accessibility plugins and ARIA support help developers create inclusive sites, while Next.js goes further by ensuring high colour contrast and smooth focus management for screen readers.

Development Experience

Both Gatsby.js and Next.js offer robust development experiences, with a range of tools and features that make building modern web applications a rewarding process. While both frameworks share common aspects such as a learning curve, the availability of plugins, and comprehensive documentation, they each bring unique strengths to the table, particularly in crucial areas like SEO optimisation and accessibility.

Gatsby.js provides a rich plugin ecosystem that simplifies adding features and integrations, though it requires developers to become familiar with GraphQL. Its extensive documentation supports developers through every stage of the build process. Next.js, on the other hand, offers a more flexible data fetching approach and is often seen as more approachable for developers already familiar with React. Its intuitive APIs and robust tooling make it an attractive choice for a wide range of projects.

By leveraging their features, developers can create web applications that are not only high-performing and user-friendly but also accessible and optimised for search engines, ensuring a comprehensive and effective online presence.

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