A Partnership Tailored to You


A Partnership Tailored to You

While the quest to secure investments is a scene all too familiar to startup founders everywhere, every year, millions of people tune into BBC’s Dragons’ Den to catch but a glimpse of the oft-uncertain and thrillingly risky entrepreneurial world. Admittedly, most businesspeople could only ever dream of facing the callously tight-lipped Dragons, yet it remains hugely attractive to seek what is known as “smart money” — funds by investors that also bring their knowledge, experience and enviable contacts to the table.

At Software Planet Group, we strive to give customers a similarly advantageous experience by offering a combination of expert knowledge and a genuinely close business relationship. In fact, SPG put customer success at the heart of everything we do. Over the years, we have had the privilege of partnering with many startups that went on to become hugely lucrative businesses, but this is only half the story.

A Partnership Tailored to You

How often do software developers ask you about your business goals? What about your fears and ambitions? How many of them have actually gone on to become your loyal friends? While it would be easy to promptly start working on any project that was thrown our way, our software engineers painstakingly analyse every proposed solution to ensure they have everything they need to be a roaring success.

This is why at the start of every project, we aim to collect as much information as possible about the businesses we collaborate with and the problems they are trying to address. By working closely with our customers, we are able to assess a company’s situation, evaluate proposed solutions and brainstorm possible alternatives for development.

To put this in practical terms, a client company may approach us with plans for a web solution built on top of the Ruby on Rails (RoR) framework. In this case, we would be compelled to examine why they have chosen RoR, what they hope to achieve with the project and their future plans for development. This in reality is very similar to the concept of the coloured envelopes — because our goal as a company is to deliver the very best solutions at all times, if there is no need to reinvent the wheel or a better alternative already exists, we would never encourage our customers to spend valuable resources on less-than-worthy projects.

And these are not too difficult to recognise. With nearly two decades of experience in the software industry, our team of experts have a unique bird’s eye view of development that allows us to spot red flags from miles away and plan accordingly. By cultivating a collaborative mindset, our customers in turn can help us deliver more cost-effective tools, stabler systems and efficient and user-friendly designs.

In the end, this partnership approach is nothing short of the thread that sews our company together. By choosing Software Planet Group, customers embark on a business experience like no other, where their needs are kept front and centre at all times. Pair that with our friendly and open atmosphere and even the Dragons are given a run for their money. 

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